Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
Department of Rhode Island
2024-2025 Calendar
[Rev. Aug 2024]
Anyone who would like to see their event added to the Department Website we ask that you email Please send any links, flyers, write-ups that you would like to see added to the email.


National Event

Department Event

District Event

Post Event


Statewide News

News & Info from your department

VFWRI Youth Scholarships

Due to Posts Oct. 31st

VFW 152 North Kingstown-OktoberVets 5k

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Honors National Native American Heritage Month

WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) recognizes all service members and veterans of Indigenous heritage as we honor Nat...

VFW Action Alert: Keep TAP Promotion Act in Defense Bill


As we speak, the House and Senate Committees on Armed Services are negotiating their versions of the National D...
