Department Officers:
Department Commander: Mark Turner
Senior Vice Commander: Joe Diniz
Junior Vice Commander: Joe Janeiro
Chief of Staff: Rachael Garcia
Adjutant: Eric Dukat
Quarter Master: Brad P. Donnelly
Judge Advocate: Anthony "Tony" Abatecola
Service Officer: Stephen Boland
Asst. Service Officer: Michael Duarte
Chaplain: Father Phil Sirois
Surgeon: Dave Hellner
Parliamentarian: Anthony "Tony" Abatecola
Officer of the Day: William Siano
Homeless Veterans and Crisis: Lance Leonaitis
National Legislative Committee: Matt McCoy
State Legislative Committee: John Gallo
National Council Member: Eric "Duke" Dukat
Veterans and Military Support: Cynthia Limoges
Past Dept. Commander: Rachael Garcia
District Commanders:
District 1 Commander: Antonio Fonseca
District 2 Commander: John Duchesneau
District 3 Commander: Joe "Tiger" Patrick